Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 Anime List

2009 is about to end so I'm going to reminisce some (because I'm too lazy to include the shows I ditched after seeing an episode or so) of the anime shows I've seen this year.
Obtw, I'm fond of watching completed anime series so you may find pretty old stuff here. Eh, it's such a hassle to download episodes one-by-one so I download by batch. ;)
Moving on.. The first thing I've finished this year...

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

Action, comedy, and er... ecchi. Those are the first things I could think of about this one. It teaches many lessons in life too. Eh basically about being stronger and stuff like that. And oh, I can somehow relate to Kenichi. Like me, he has no talent. He only has determination and diligence. But somehow, he can beat the crap out of the gangsters in the story. @_@ Awesumsauce. The manga is still ongoing I think. I dropped reading it tho. Action stories are better watched, not read you know. OH HERE COMES MY RHYMES AGAIN ZOMG
My score: 9/10


Hoho. While I'm interested in shonen ai and similar stuff (*coughs*yaoi*coughs*), I haven't really watched a series that revolves around such (*coughs*Junjou Romantica*coughs*Gravitation*coughs*). Well, it is NOT SAFE FOR.. kids. There are kids around me so, no. Just no. Moving on. Why the hell am I talking about guy- love when it is not really sure that Kuroshitsuji has one? OH U. Malicious much? XD
Now, moving on for real, Kuroshitsuji is about Sebastian and Ciel and their awesum buttse and fulfilling Ciel's goal. I love how dark and gothic the atmosphere in Kuroshitsuji is. I also love the irony in this show. Well, Ciel sold his soul to the demon-turned-butler-but-in-any-case-still-a-demon-lol Sebastian in order to fulfill his wish that I think is to avenge his parents and his dignity (?). So Sebastian is a demon and guess wut. The enemies are the angels. The angels want Ciel to forget his past or something like that which is, come to think of it, good, but Ciel refuses. Well, what's the use of selling his soul to the demon if he will just forget it and stuff. Oh right. The angels look veeeery eeeevil here as they try to destroy London in order to 'purify' the city or something like that. Oh my memory is failing me again. Other than the real plot, what I really love about this anime is the Victorian feel it gives- the dresses, the structures, the elegance and stuff. Lol I should've wrote a full- length review of this anime instead. >_>
My score: 9/10

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Let me begin with something really rude.
Srsly, tell me please. WTF's wrong with the order of the episodes? I appreciate a little of it tho. Just like in Higurashi, a bit related to the previous ep appears in the next one or in the next next one and so on. But no, JUST NO. Haruhi is a mess. Sorry gaiz, but I'm a little bit irritated at Mikuru. She's so moe and I hate that. Oh lol, I remember this otaku guy I met when I was buying DVDs. He was insisting that I should watch Lamune blah blah. So he asked the the 'saleslady' to play the first episode of Lamune. I heard the voice of the moe character and I was like... DO NOT WANT. So he told me that her seiyuu was the seiyuu of Mikuru. I knew it. ULTIMATE DO NOT WANT. Enough of this moe crap, pretty please? (Bitter girl here, oh lol).
Sorry but I hate cute anime girls who were made to satisfy the desires of otaku men. And I hate the creators of such even more. So other than the moe characters and dancing, there's nothing really good in this show. Like, seriously. At first I liked this because of the Haruhi-is-God crap but I got tired of it as it gets so overrated. Yeah, this show is frickin' overrated and I don't have any idea how it even became one.
My score: 3/10 I'm being kind here. The animation is fine so let's give it some score.

Darker Than Black- Kuro no Keiyakusha and Ryuusei no Gemini
I like the action and mystery in this show. Yeah mystery. There are many things I didn't fully understand in the first season and the second one didn't help. The characters are so interesting as each contractor differ from another in terms of capabilities and remunerations.
My score: 9/10

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The most anticipated show of mine this year, I think? I'm not a hardcore FMA fan, but I was really looking forward to this show. Brotherhood is basically the same story as the first anime, it's just that it follows the storyline of the FMA manga. I'm not sure how much stuff was changed since I'm not a die-hard fan of this so yeah. This anime is awesome anyway so who cares. XD
Score: 9/10


I have something posted about this: here.
I rewatch some episodes occassionally because it is really great. Eh, scrap that, some episodes are really great.
Score: 7/10

Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai

I have something about this here.
My favorite anime this year. It is really frickin' awesome.
Some snapshots:

Kasai with a shotgun: coolest Higurashi thing ever.
Score: 10/10

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

I refused to watch this for so many times because I thought it was an old school type of anime. I was not impressed at the graphics I see on posters so I just ignored this. But heck, I discovered this show is really awesome! Too lazy to elaborate but this is really a must- watch gaiz, for those who haven't watched it yet.
Score: 10/10

Soul Eater
It's really entertaining at first but it became boring at the last episodes. The art is really great though.
Score: 9/10
I am somehow disappointed with this show. The first episode is sooo impressive, I watch it over and over again but the succeeding ones are not.. that... er... good. Well, compared to the first ep! I decided to cosplay Senjougahara because of the first episode. The kickass girl who uses stationaries to hurt people. But well, it was a trap. Eh, somehow it was a trap. I did not know that she is a frickin tsundere. Well yeah, Bakemonogatari failed to give me the action and gore that I was anticipating. Well, just look at the first events (NO, not that pantsu- viewing event) srsly, look.
Eh, nvm, here it is. Start with 0:50 please.

So in the first episode, I gave it a 10 but in the next ones, eh, just the average score. But it is unique, nonetheless. And that's what I love about this. Senjougahara is so awesome and I adore her relationship with Araragi. They are both good at words and I love them arguing.
Score: 8/10

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

The funniest thing I've ever seen after Gintama. It's so random and it is super hilarious.
Score: 9/10

Gundam 00 S2

I'm too lazy to elaborate how epic this show is so I'll just post vids.
This is a very funny preview of this season:

But srsly, here's the climax. Ooooooh spoilers.

So that's it. I'm too lazy to include more.
Happy New Year to everyone!
I'm expecting Alive: The Final Evolution to air in 2010. Oh pretty please?


Roy Mustang said...

DTB2 was awesome. I'm glad Hei finally embraced his pedo-ism. Too bad the local police and Chris Hanson had to haul him off to jail in the last episode. I did NOT see that coming at all.